Liz Taylor

Week 1 hw

Here are my movement videos

Fan Movement from Liz Taylor on Vimeo.

Stove Movement from Liz Taylor on Vimeo.

Water Boiling Movement from Liz Taylor on Vimeo.

Here are my drawings from my movement videos

And here is my first OpenFrameworks thing ever! My name!

the zip

Flip Book!

flip book! from Liz Taylor on Vimeo.

(Sorry for the blurriness, my flipbook was too small i suppose)

Here is my week 2 hw

Animation with Still Images

Animation with Still Images from Liz Taylor on Vimeo.

fastest non moving speed

I found the fastest non moving speed to be: pct += 0.000001f;

How long: 20 minutes

Physical distance: 4.5 inches

Speed (inch/sec): .00375 in/s

Speed (miles/hour): 2.13 x e^-04

the zip

fastest still perceptible speed

I found the fastest non moving speed to be: pct += 0.0007f;

How long: 5 seconds

Physical distance: 4.5 inches

Speed (inch/sec): .9 in/s

Speed (miles/hour): 5.11 x e^-02 mph

the zip

Changing ptA and ptB on clicks

the zip

The Shaper Controlls something else

I made the xeno control the size rather than the position;

the zip

Multiple Xenos

I had trouble getting a good screen shot of this since it was controlled by the mouse, but there are three Xenos. the zip